Open letter to all Ontario Trials enthusiasts

After 43 years being involved in Ontario trials, the ATA has reached a crossroads.


Think about this:

Without the three (SUPER DAVE’S), Butler, Cordy and Southam, our trials season would be pretty uneventful, Pun intended. These events will not go on forever.

Our sport needs new locations, or maybe resurrecting old sites and new organizers.

We do have a new group of enthusiasts in the Perth area, driven by Mr Brackenbury, with what look to be great locations for trials and we have a new group organizing the “Lions Head ” event, now that Elaine and Clive have retired.


The organization of a typical Ontario trials event, goes as follows;

  1. SOMEONE contacts the event organizers to discuss dates and locations and establish a schedule.
  2. SOMEONE contacts the CMA to apply for the sanctions.
  3. SOMEONE contacts the insurance company and negotiates rate, while try to explain what a trial IS.
  4. SOMEONE procures all the needed materials for the event, ribbon, arrows,rider cards etc.
  5. SOMEONE prepares the flyer with event info, date, time location, map, ready for posting to social media.
  6. SOMEONE sets up the online “pre entry” rider forms and banking links for E transfer.
  7. SOMEONE then sends out the completed pre entry list, advance sign in, to the organizer ready for sign in at the event.
  8. SOMEONE then sets the sections for the trial.
  9. SOMEONE tabulates the results, send copy to social media, along with event paperwork to the CMA.
  10. SOMEONE collects any monies from the event, pays the bills, re orders any materials, trophies etc and balances the bank account.

Each individual job by itself is not that exhausting, BUT FOR ONE INDIVIDUAL IT IS OVERWHELMING.

So, if you would like to be a SOMEONE, Please, STEP UP AND VOLUNTEER.

In our sport NOTHING happens without VOLUNTEERS.

Riding can be more rewarding when YOU are involved in the organization.

Please email any comments or suggestions to

Thanks for reading.


Here are the full results for the ATA Anger Management Lion’s Head Fall Trial on October 22nd, 2023.


The last event of the 2023 ATA season could not have turned out better with the sun breaking through on 11 gnarly leaf blown sections. Coupled with a roller coaster loop to loosen up any stiff joints with time running out to enjoy the fall colours! ..and there were some that wanted to ride 5 loops!

Thank you again to:

  • Property owners: Bryan & Shelley Marshall
  • Clerk of the course: Mike McCormick
  • ‘Set up’ crew: Mike McCormick, Bryan, Curtis & Devyn Marshall.
  • Pre-entry gifts – Mike McCormick. ‘It pays to pre-enter’!
  • Special thanks to the Sign-in and results Team that suffered trough the early morning frost: Tina, Shelley, Helen, & Elaine.

Thank you all your support of the ATA in 2023.

View full results.


Thank you to all the riders who took the time to Pre-enter the ATA Marshall AM Trial on Oct 22nd. On-line registration has now been reopened here for those who missed the deadline. Riders can also Sign-In before 10am on the day at the event.

The setup team have spent many weekends clearing new sections to allow for wider lines. This is the last event of the 2023 season, so please come out and show support for all the extra effort setting up the Trial for your enjoyment.

Pre-Enter Now


A reminder that this year’s ATA Marshall Anger Management Trial (Lion’s Head) will be held on Sunday, October 22nd, 2023. Pre-entry registration and payment are required by Wednesday, October 18th to enter the event, after which fees increase for entry on the day.

To pre-register please:

  1. Fill out this pre-registration form by tomorrow, Wednesday, October 18th, 2023.
  2. Send your pre-entry fee via e-transfer to
    1. CMA member: $30.00
    2. Clubman: $40.00 for those wishing to ‘Try-Trials’
    3. Entry on the day, or missing waiver form, add $5.00 admin fee.

2023 ATA Marshall AM Trial (Lion’s Head)


An Observed Motorcycle Trials Competition.


  • Sunday October 22nd: Sign-In at 10am, Start at 11am.


  • 2117 Bruce Rd 9, on the East side of the County Rd 9, at the Marshall Anger Management Property
  • There will be a portaloo at 2122 Bruce Road #9
  • Local Accommodation:


  • CMA License Required (unless elligible for Clubman Class)
  • To save time at Sign-in, please bring your printed and signed waiver to the trial. If you have not already renewed your CMA competition license please do so now.
  • Classes for Expert, Advanced, Intermediate, Junior, Novice, Vet 45, and Vet 55.
  • Clubman class for those riders wanting to ‘Try-Trials’.


  • CMA member: $30.00
  • Clubman: $40.00 for those wanting to ‘Try-Trials’


  • Ride at your own risk
  • Respect the land owners wishes
  • No littering
  • Helmets at all times
  • Back protection and lanyard kill switches are mandatory for Expert & Advanced, and highly recommended for other classes.
  • COVID-19: Feeling sick? Stay home and stay safe. Please respect those wearing masks.

This year’s ATA Lion’s Head Fall Trial will be held on Sunday, October 22nd, 2023. Pre-entry registration and payment are required by Monday, October 16th to enter the event.

To pre-register please:

  1. Fill out this pre-registration form by Monday, October 16th, 2023.
  2. Send your pre-entry fee via e-transfer to
    1. CMA member: $30.00
    2. Clubman: $40.00 for those wishing to ‘Try-Trials’
    3. Entry on the day, or missing waiver form, add $5.00 admin fee.
  3. The Waiver form will be emailed to you for printing after the pre-entry closes.

2023 Lion’s Head Fall Trial


An Observed Motorcycle Trials Competition.


  • Sunday October 22nd: Sign-In at 10am, Start at 11am.


  • 2117 Bruce Rd 9, on the East side of the County Rd 9, at the Marshall Anger Management Property
  • There will be a portaloo at 2122 Bruce Road #9
  • Local Accommodation:


  • CMA License Required (unless elligible for Clubman Class)
  • To save time at Sign-in, please bring your printed and signed waiver to the trial. If you have not already renewed your CMA competition license please do so now.
  • Classes for Expert, Advanced, Intermediate, Junior, Novice, Vet 45, and Vet 55.
  • Clubman class for those riders wanting to ‘Try-Trials’.


  • CMA member: $30.00
  • Clubman: $40.00 for those wanting to ‘Try-Trials’


  • Ride at your own risk
  • Respect the land owners wishes
  • No littering
  • Helmets at all times
  • Back protection and lanyard kill switches are mandatory for Expert & Advanced, and highly recommended for other classes.
  • COVID-19: Feeling sick? Stay home and stay safe. Please respect those wearing masks.