Source: CMA. January 20, 2016. Since the inception of the CMA-TAC, our long term goals were to not only help make the sport of trials better in Canada, but also to get better as a group. I believe that to achieve that, we must continue to rely on a broad variety of feedback from as many areas of the country as possible.

As the Chairman of the TAC, I happy to announce another step in that direction with the addition of our newest member, John Searle from Ontario. After learning about some of the great work John has done over the years within his club and the Ontario trials community, as well as serving as the Jury delegate for our Tdn team since 2011, I was convinced that he would make a great contribution. I know the rest of the TAC is excited to get underway and welcomes John aboard. Steve Fracy                  Chairman CMA-TAC 

John Searle Jr., Ontario 

John’s interest and involvement with motorcycles began at 10 years old. At that time he rode mini-bikes, eventually purchasing his first motorcycle at 15. In 1978 he joined the CMA competing mainly in motocross events; however, in the late ’70s and early ’80s John rode trial events as well.

After a 17 year absence, John returned to motorcycle competitions in 2001. He attends the majority of events in Ontario riding either his vintage 1986 TLR 200 or his 2016 Montesa 260.

 John has been a member of The Steel City Riders since 1978 and helps with the club’s annual sanctioned trials event. Since 2009, John has been actively involved in the Ontario ATA (Amateur Trials Association) assisting with set-up and administration. 

In 2011, John attended his first TDN as a substitute jury delegate and obtained his FIM licence (Clerk of the Course/Sporting Steward) that same year. At the 2015 Rhode Island World Round Trials, John served as the Chief Checker. John is always willing to help in any capacity to make the world of trials competitions the best it can be.


January 20, 2016,

Since the inception of the CMA-TAC, our long term goals were to not only help make the sport of trials better in Canada, but also to get better as a group. I believe that to achieve that, we must continue to rely on a broad variety of feedback from as many areas of the country as possible.

As the Chairman of the TAC, I happy to announce another step in that direction with the addition of our newest member, John Searle from Ontario. After learning about some of the great work John has done over the years within his club and the Ontario trials community, as well as serving as the Jury delegate for our Tdn team since 2011, I was convinced that he would make a great contribution. I know the rest of the TAC is excited to get underway and welcomes John aboard.

Steve Fracy – Chairman CMA-TAC

John Searle Jr., Ontario

John’s interest and involvement with motorcycles began at 10 years old. At that time he rode mini-bikes, eventually purchasing his first motorcycle at 15. In 1978 he joined the CMA competing mainly in motocross events; however, in the late ’70s and early ’80s John rode trial events as well.

After a 17 year absence, John returned to motorcycle competitions in 2001. He attends the majority of events in Ontario riding either his vintage 1986 TLR 200 or his 2016 Montesa 260.
John has been a member of The Steel City Riders since 1978 and helps with the club’s annual sanctioned trials event. Since 2009, John has been actively involved in the Ontario ATA (Amateur Trials Association) assisting with set-up and administration.

In 2011, John attended his first TDN as a substitute jury delegate and obtained his FIM licence (Clerk of the Course/Sporting Steward) that same year. At the 2015 Rhode Island World Round Trials, John served as the Chief Checker. John is always willing to help in any capacity to make the world of trials competitions the best it can be.




A big thank you to all the 2016 Supershow volunteers who spent time on the ATA booth talking up trials, explaining the lack of seats, the secretive nature of hiding/riding in the woods, and being quiet about it, but most importantly answering the infamous “How fast do they go?”.

Thanks to Al Kirn, Dave Main twice, John Searle, Paul Howarth, Paul McCurlie, Ron Golden, Steve Mumford twice, and Zack Tustin. Thanks to Les Birchall and Andy Gale for help during the annual teardown snow storm.

Most of all thanks to Dave Butler for his help setting up, manning, and dismatling the booth – the beer nut vendors were not amused. One ice cream – such restraint! 

Q. Which other off road sport had ten current but different makes of bike at the show? 



Merry Christmas to all ATA Trials fanatics! 


Mark your calendars for Jan 8-10, 2016. The Hendersons will all be there, but for the benefit of Mr.Kite the ÁTÀ could still use your help with the hogsheads of real fire ..pretty please!  


Long serving ATA Committee member John Searle is selling his 2010 Sherco complete with all kinds of S3 goodies, including titanium exh. pipe, lever adjusters, stops, and mstr cyl covers, as well as full length fork guards. Very little time on this bike with John riding Vintage, and it has to be the cleanest example anywhere. Asking $4500. Call 519-448-3770, or e-mail for more details. Now click the pic;)
