
View the full Trial Season calendar here.

Pics missing from the ATA Tweed Trial results post.

Brief Awards ceremony as the riders were keen to start the 2nd day before the snow melted.

LtoR: Dave Cordy, Jon English, Lucas Cambareri, Jordan Szoke, Rob Smithurst, Brandon Cambareri, and Brian Wojnarowski. Thanks to Motosports of Trenton & GP Bikes of Whitby for the contingency prizes.

Section master and host Dave Cody presents the Serres Cup to Jon English, Expert winner of the 2018 ATA Tweed Spring Trial.

ATA Tweed 2 Day Trial Results

Thanks to those riders who threw caution to the wind and braved the elements, only to suffer through yet another heat wave, while the rest of Ontario hunkered down for an ice storm.

Trials master and tireless host Dave Cordy, even had the driveway paved in anticipation of the factory rigs. Next year we may need Start & End cards on the ditches.

Despite the rumoured hot weather 23 riders showed up to test the new gate marking system. Even though no-one thought to bring ice studs, Dave had adjusted the section difficulty so that most of the sections were cleaned at some time during the trial. Those 70’s Pirellis made all the difference.

Big thanks to Dave as a fun time was had by all. The Experts even showed up for more on Sunday, but the weather won by a degree or two!

ATA Tweed 2 Day Trial Results

View full results here.



Day 2, Sunday April 15th, Tweed Trial cancelled due to weather.

There will be a fun practice ride but only for the brave and fearless as even the loop is Expert level.

Todays poignant pic is of the stunning Serres trophy for Outstanding Expert rider. Look at the names of infamous recipients. Could Tom Farr possibly win it again some 30 years later? ..or Blair?  Notice how the water level has dropped in the last week. The creek is almost dry!  Hope to see YOU there, and bring a friend.
