Here are the full results for the ATA Anger Management Lion’s Head Fall Trial on October 22nd, 2023.
The last event of the 2023 ATA season could not have turned out better with the sun breaking through on 11 gnarly leaf blown sections. Coupled with a roller coaster loop to loosen up any stiff joints with time running out to enjoy the fall colours! ..and there were some that wanted to ride 5 loops!
Thank you again to:
- Property owners: Bryan & Shelley Marshall
- Clerk of the course: Mike McCormick
- ‘Set up’ crew: Mike McCormick, Bryan, Curtis & Devyn Marshall.
- Pre-entry gifts – Mike McCormick. ‘It pays to pre-enter’!
- Special thanks to the Sign-in and results Team that suffered trough the early morning frost: Tina, Shelley, Helen, & Elaine.
Thank you all your support of the ATA in 2023.

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